"Soy&Synth” is a grassroots event series initiated by the Berlin-based Indonesian art collective, Soydivision, since 2018. "Soy and Synth" serves as a captivating intersection of both social experimentation and sonic exploration. The format aims to cultivate profound empathy and nurturing care within the intricate constellation of the diverse Global South diaspora universe in Berlin.
Since 2018, #soyandsynth has reached its 6th annual edition and 45th episode. This format has become the longest event series organized by Soydivision. In 2022, a new and redefined #soyandsynth format was introduced, focusing on supporting emerging artists and establishing a deeper (sonic and cultural) dialogue between Berlin-based multiple South diasporas, with its sub tag-line “South by South Sonic Serenade.” Since then, the curatorial and organizational aspects of the project have been expanded by inviting other Berlin-based collectives working within the intersection of sound and diaspora. The editions of 2022 and 2023 are supported by Musicboard Berlin and executed in various music venues across different neighborhoods in Berlin, such as Kantine am Berghain, ACUD Macht Neue, Arkaoda, and Morphine Raum."
To facilitate the 2024 and 2025 edition, Soy&Synth will be co-curate and co-organized by and with L_KW (a Berlin-based sound collective consists of multiple global south artists which works with sonic activism themes), Midnightshift (a label and music promotion entity co-located in Berlin and Singapore), Mixtape Menage (podcast and radio series focus on African Diaspora sound practises), Späti Funk (social experiment entity focus on migrants social meeting points, initiated by a group of German Asian and American Asian based in Berlin) , and Decolonoize (a Berlin collective of BIPoC musicians and music lovers, organizes concerts and events in the old punk way: From The Scene – For The Scene.). Different from the previous editions it will also feature new curatorial partnerships with AL Berlin (Music collective which focused on curating musical projects from Berlin Diaspora Artists from West Asia and North Africa background)
Venue & Dates
PANKE - 23.08.2023
Morphine Raum - 29.09.2024
ACUD Club - 25.10.2024
Assoy Radio - 15.11.2024
Line Up
Merma Suelo
Pharaoh Chromium
Kaloan Meenochite
Nour Sokhon
Berenice Llorens
Wanton Witch
Astan Ka
Juss Mills
Venue : PANKE
Date : 23.08.2023
Artist : Merma Suelo & Pharaoh Chromium
Kaloan Meenochite & Nour Sokhon
Venue : Morphine Raum
Date : 29.09.2024
Artist : Berenice Llorens & Wanton Witch
Venue : ACUD Club
Date : 25.10.2024
Artist : Q & Astan Ka
Juss Mills & tarxun
Venue : Assoy Radio Novilla
Date : 15.11.2024
Info : Discourse & Dinner
Venue : KWIA
Date : 10.12.04
Info : Zine and Recording Launch and 2024 edition wrapped up